


Plague Rats


The Naturae are a force of nature, arriving on Aeon by unknown means to realize unforeseeable ends. Naturae creatures come in many shapes and sizes all of which are similar only in their unpredictability.

The Naturae faction focus on moving their cards into a special zone called the “mulchyard”. The Naturae have access to the abilities “mill” (which places cards from your deck into your discard pile) and “mulch” (which places cards from your graveyard into your mulchyard). By utilizing these abilities, they gain access to an array of devastating effects.

Milling is a keyword effect where you place a number of cards from the top of your deck into your discard pile.

Prominent sources of mill include:

Mulching is similar to milling, but you select a number of cards from your discard pile to place into your mulchyard.

Prominent sources of mulch include:

Cards interact with the Mulchyard in 2 primary ways:

Some cards allow you to play other cards directly from the mulchyard such as Warden of the Menagerie or have contingencies to allow themselves to be played from the mulchyard such as Primordial Lux.

Mulchyard contingent effects:
Some cards have effects that only trigger if you have more than 3 cards in your mulchyard such as Wayward Decomposer. Other effects only trigger if you have less than 3 cards in the mulchyard such as Doom Reveler.

Faction Mechanics

Karash provides you with a reliable way to mill and mulch cards. This is excellent for your decks consistency as it guarantees you access to these powerful effects.

Because Karash has to choose between milling or mulching each turn, it benefits you to think about what role you want Karash to serve in the context of your deck. Karash is most often going to be positioned in a fixing role (making up for the area you are lacking in). However, if your deck only requires a limited amount of milling or mulching, Karash can suffice as a reliable source of either.

Myreth has an incredible activated ability, prodiving you with a reliable way to recur monsters from your mulchyard. When using Myreth you will want to make the most of this effect by ensuring access to powerful targets such as Will o' Wisp and Invigorating Spirit. It's important to note that Myreth's ability allows you to target all card types, making powerful cards like Budding Siphon and Dash of Tenebris viable targets.

There are 2 costs to this ability to watch out for. The first is the discard requirement. Fortunately, you can add cards to your deck like the aforementioned Invigorating Spirit or Deathless Entity that want to be in your discard pile to minimize this cost. The second is the "pay 1" pip cost. This is a heavy downside in that it forces you to not rely on the ability in the early game as it will require 2 pip dice to activate for the first time (1 to unlock Myreth and the second to use the ability).


Lux is the lighter aspect of the Naturae. Lux cards typically deal with cycling cards in and out of the mulchyard.

Tenebris is the darker aspect of the Naturae. Tenebris Cards will often place cards in the discard pile or benefit from cards stagnating in the mulchyard.



Not much is known about the Naturae. They are not native to Aeon, but many in their ranks share resemblances with creatures and people of legend. Their motivations are unknown, but they have an odd fascination with constructing alien structures with mysterious purpose.

Faction boxes contain a full play-set (the maximum number of a card playable in a deck) of every card and flagbearer in a faction for a given expansion.

This faction box contains a full play-set all 56 Naturae cards in the Base Set along with the faction’s 2 flagbearers! That’s a total of 198 cards for only $59.99!

A Starter deck is a pre-made deck with 40 cards and 1 Flagbearer. Starter decks are designed to be easy to learn and provide the opportunity to change them using cards from the respective Faction Box. Starter decks are an excellent entry point for Flagbearer at $19.99.
